Food & Wine
After the difficult situation in Central Italy due to the terrible earthquake, WHITE, the main fashion salon in Milan, international leader for research and innovation, and MAP Communication, a communication agency situated in Le Marche region, very active in marketing, advertising, PR and e-business, they have joined in a project in favor of the incumbent firms from the areas affected by the recent and destructive earthquake.
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Have you ever been in “Le Langhe” in Piedmont? This is a very amazing territory full of hills, between Asti and Cuneo cities; Le Langhe is in the UNESCO World Heritage List! Christmas is a very great moment to visit this territory, especially thanks to “Cantine Aperte” event: wine producers open their wineries to visitors!
We propose you six different wineries, where you can taste wine with the ones who cultivated vineyard all year long.
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December, let’s celebrate! Exclusive DISCOUNTS at Casali Winery in Pratissolo di Scandiano (RE), Via delle Scuole 7, every morning! You can take advantage of a special 20% discount during December on Spumante sparkling wine Dop “Cà Besina metodo classico 2010”, Lambrusco Malbo wine Dop “Campo Delle More” and Malvasia Dolce wine Dop.
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The last weekend of May, the traditional event of good taste with "Cantine Aperte" goes on stage this year with the 21st edition!The initiative, organized by the Movimento Turismo del Vino, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th, will receive as guests millions of visitors, wine lovers and not only to discover wine directly in wine cellars where there will be interesting guided tours, tasting delicious food and delicacies.
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Last 16th February 2013, strong enthusiasm for In-outlet project at Marche region stand, in occasion of the event “Il Turismo per shopping nelle Marche”.
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